Basic queries
GSL allows you to select atoms based on their attributes. Here's how you can perform basic selections:
1. Residue names
Select atoms belonging to residues with specific names.
- Syntax:
resname XYZ
- Example:
resname POPE
Selects all atoms in residues named POPE.
2. Residue numbers
Select atoms based on their residue numbers.
- Syntax:
resid XYZ
orresnum XYZ
- Example:
resid 17
Selects all atoms in residue number 17.
3. Atom names
Select atoms with specific atom names.
- Syntax:
name XYZ
oratomname XYZ
- Example:
name P
Selects all atoms named P.
4. Serial atom numbers
Select atoms based on their serial atom numbers as understood by GROMACS.
- Syntax:
serial XYZ
- Example:
serial 256
Selects the atom with serial atom number 256.
Note: This selection is determined using GROMACS's internal atom numbering, not the numbering found in GRO or PDB files. Here, numbering starts at 1 for the first atom and increases sequentially. Each atom is guaranteed to a have a unique serial number.
5. GRO/PDB atom numbers
Select atoms based on their atom numbers in the originating GRO or PDB file.
- Syntax:
atomnum XYZ
- Example:
atomnum 124
Selects all atoms with atom number 124 in the input file.
Note: There is no guarantee that one specific atom number will be assigned to exactly one atom.
6. Chain identifiers
Select atoms belonging to specific chains.
chain X
chain A
Selects all atoms in chain 'A'.
Note: Chain information is typically available in PDB files. If absent, this selection will yield no results.
7. Element names
Select atoms based on their element names.
- Syntax:
element name XYZ
orelname XYZ
- Example:
element name carbon
Selects all carbon atoms.
Note: Element information must be available. If absent, this selection will yield no results. Read more here.
8. Element symbols
Select atoms based on their element symbols.
- Syntax:
element symbol X
orelsymbol X
- Example:
element symbol C
Selects all carbon atoms.
Note: Element information must be available. If absent, this selection will yield no results. Read more here.
9. Labels
Select atoms using predefined labels.
- Syntax:
label XYZ
Labels are discussed in detail later in this tutorial.