Important notes

Selecting Elements

  • Element assignment:
    Atoms in the system are not automatically assigned elements by groan_rs unless the elements are explicitly specified in the input structure file. This is because elements may not always be meaningful, particularly in coarse-grained systems.

  • Using element keywords:
    To use element name or element symbol in your selections, ensure that atoms have been assigned elements.

  • Assigning elements:

    • From topology files: Creating the System structure from a TPR file automatically assigns elements.
    • Guessing elements: Use the System::guess_elements function to assign elements based on atom names.
  • Recommendation:
    If you're using a program that utilizes GSL, ensure that it assigns elements to atoms before using element keywords in selections.

Whitespace considerations

  • Operator and parenthesis separation:
    Operators (and, or, not, etc.) and parentheses do not need to be separated by whitespace unless it affects query clarity.

  • Valid example:

    not(name CA)or(serial 1to45||Protein)

    A valid query without (unnecessary) whitespace.

  • Invalid example:

    not(name CA)or(serial 1to45orProtein)

    Invalid because orProtein is unclear.

  • Resolving ambiguity:

    Enclose ambiguous parts in parentheses to clarify intent. Or use whitespace, it is worth it.

    not(name CA)or(serial 1to45or(Protein))

    Now, the query is valid and interpretable, but not very human-readable.