Selecting molecules
GSL provides operators to select entire molecules (i.e., groups of bonded atoms) based on specific criteria.
molecule with
(or mol with
) operator
Function: Selects all atoms in the same molecule(s) as the atoms matching the inner query.
molecule with <query>
mol with <query>
molecule with serial 15
Selects all atoms in the molecule containing the atom with serial number 15.
molecule with resid 4 17 29
Selects all atoms in molecules containing any atom from residues 4, 17, or 29.
molecule with name P
Selects all atoms in molecules that include an atom named P.
Operator precedence with molecule with
Example 1:
molecule with serial 15 or name BB
Selects atoms in the molecule containing serial 15 + selects atoms named BB.
Example 2:
molecule with (serial 15 or name BB)
Selects all atoms in molecules that contain either atom 15 or any atom named BB.
- Topology requirement: The system must contain topology information to use molecule selections. Without it, no atoms will be selected. Topology information is available, for instance, in TPR files and some PDB files.