Multiple identifiers

GSL allows you to specify multiple identifiers within a single query, enabling the selection of atoms matching any of the provided criteria.


  • Residue names:

    resname POPE POPG

    Selects all atoms in residues named POPE or POPG.

  • Residue numbers:

    resid 13 15 16 17

    Selects atoms in residues numbered 13, 15, 16, or 17.

  • Atom names:

    name P CA HA

    Selects atoms named P, CA, or HA.

  • Serial numbers:

    serial 245 267 269 271

    Selects atoms with serial numbers 245, 267, 269, or 271.

  • Chains:

    chain A B C

    Selects atoms in chains 'A', 'B', or 'C'.

  • Element names:

    elname carbon hydrogen

    Selects all carbon and hydrogen atoms.

  • Element symbols:

    elsymbol C H

    Selects all carbon and hydrogen atoms.